Liposuction in Desire Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Chennai is performed combining a tumescent technique with power
assisted suction, by skilful and experienced cosmetic surgeons under the guidance
of Dr. Siva Kumar. Liposuction procedure is usually performed under General Anaesthesia
and involves simple break up and suction of fat from parts of the body via
small, almost invisible incisions (less than 4 mm), which are closed using very
fine threads.
Liposuction at Desire Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Chennai is offered as day care procedure. As a norm, the patient gets
admitted in the morning, gets operated and is free to go home by evening. The
sutures are removed 7 days following surgery. You are advised to wear special
compression garments for few weeks to provide support, minimize swelling and
help skin conform to the new contours of the body. Maintaining a healthy
lifestyle and diet is very vital following Liposuction.

Liposuction is indicated for those
with stubborn subcutaneous fat deposits that do not budge despite regular
exercise and right diet. At Desire Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Chennai, we
clarify to our clients that Liposuction is strictly not a weight loss technique
and should not be opted as a quick fix method to overcome obesity. Infect, it
is advisable to opt for this fat reduction procedure only when one has non-
fluctuating / stable body weight and is more of a body contouring or body
reshaping procedure. However, in addition, it helps get rid of cellulite and
reduce dimples or stretch marks.
can be performed on the following areas:
- Abdomen / Tummy
- Breasts
- Gynecomastia (Male Breasts)
- Hips
- Flanks (love handles)
- Back
- Buttocks
- Outer Thighs
- Inner Thighs
- Inner Knees
- Calf Area
- Upper arms
- Chin
At Desire Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Chennai, you will be thoroughly examined and explained the whole procedure
before hand to ensure that you enjoy your new body and approach life with
renewed confidence.
techniques are used in Liposuction.
Technique (TT)
The term Tumescent Liposuction
refers to the large volumes of fluid injected into the area to be treated. This
technique is the safest and most commonly used form of liposuction today.
During this procedure, there is no need for general anesthesia, blood loss is
minimal during and after the surgery, and patients experience a much faster
Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction
(UAL) requires the use of a large volume of tumescent fluid and employs either
a metal probe or metal paddle to deliver ultrasonic energy that emits heat into
subcutaneous fat, or fat lying under the layers of skin that is stored as
Assisted Techniques (PAL)
PAL techniques are performed using
devices that employ power supplied by an electric motor or compressed air to
produce either a rapid in-and-out movement or a spinning rotation of an
attached liposuction cannula.
Laser Liposuction uses tumescent
fluid and a microcannula inserted through a small incision that delivers laser
energy and heat into subcutanteous fat, which is then extracted.
TUMESCENT Anaesthesia is
administered by delivering a large volume of dilute aesthetic solution to
subcutaneous adipose tissue prior to the liposuction procedure. The tissue has
to firm up and swell, becoming truly “tumescent”.
Typically, the anesthetic solution
contains 0.05% to 0.1% lidocaine, epinephrine 1:1,000,000, and normal saline.
Epinephrine to the tissue results in
constricting capillaries, thereby delaying the rate of absorption of lidocaine.
This in turn, substantially decreases potential blood loss during the
procedure. Triamcinolone may be added to the solution to reduce postoperative
inflammation. Tumescent anesthesia is introduced via blunt-tip microcannulas.
It is tolerated well, resulting in significantly small amounts of blood loss
during the procedure, thereby reducing procedure related risks in patients. Due
to this, surgeons can predict results far more accurately. The procedure itself
is much easier on the tissue.
Power assisted liposuction is a
surgical technique that applies small, rapidly vibrating suction tubes to
loosen fat cells. The fat is removed through a hollow instrument – a cannula,
or PAL wand – that is inserted under the skin. A powerful, high-pressure vacuum
is applied to the cannula It is used in conjunction with the administration of
tumescent fluid (a mixture of saline, adrenaline and local anaesthetic) to
reduce surrounding tissue trauma, minimize patient bruising and make fat
removal easier. PAL makes procedures shorter, patients recover quickly, and the
results are far better.
Areas to be suctioned are marked
with a waterproof felt-tip pen prior to surgery.
Making fat removable easier,
extremely small cannulae are used. These need really tiny incisions, ranging
from 2 to 5 millimetres and negate the need for large cuts. Besides healing
fast, PAL has shown better skin contours and improved skin retraction.
The above factors help contribute
PAL’s impeccable reputation of showing extraordinary results and high patient
PAL can be performed either by
itself or in combination with other body contouring procedures. Examples
include abdominoplasty, breast reduction and facelift.
Sometimes, results may show almost
as soon as the procedure is completed. But, as the days fly, body contours will
further improve in the following weeks after. In fact the true results show up
two to three months after the procedure.
After liposuction, patients need to
wear compression garments or elastic bands, depending on the area that has been
treated. The garments or bandages need to cover the part that has been worked
on and aid recovery. Wound care, medication prescriptions and follow-up
appointments will all be discussed before and/or after the liposuction
Be warned. Don’t have very high
expectations, as the amount of fat that can be safely removed is limited – too
much fat removal could cause lumpiness or dents in the skin.
Liposuction has a number of possible
risks: infection, numbness and/or scarring. By maintaining a healthy diet and
exercise plan, PAL can lead to permanent results in the area targeted.
Make sure you let your doctor have a
look at your complete medical history, and tell him / her about any
medications, drugs, vitamins, or natural herbs you are taking. Diabetes is
known to affect wound healing, and must be controlled before the procedure.
- Take a bath with Betadine surgical
scrub on the night before surgery and on the day of the surgery.
- Do not use any hair oil after your
hair wash.
- Do not wear any jewelry or metal
- You are advised not to eat anything
or drink water 8 hours prior to surgery.
- You can have prescribed
anti-hypertensive drugs or thyroid medication on the day of surgery with sips
of water.
- Skip anti diabetic drugs on the day
of surgery.
- Wear a comfortable, loose dress on
the day of surgery.
- All aspirin or aspirin containing
compounds or birth control pills must be stopped for 2 weeks prior to surgery.
- Do not take Vitamin E or B-complex
vitamins for seven days prior to surgery.
- Smoking and drinking have an adverse
effect your ability to heal. We recommend you stop at least one week prior the
surgery and 1 week after the surgery.
- If the patient has any illness or is
on long term medication, it is important to keep your surgeon informed.
- Please provide contact person
details at the front desk if you are not accompanied by an attendee.
The healing time for a given
procedure differs from patient to patient. Following liposuction, you could
experience the following:
and pain
Since liposuction is a medical
procedure, you may experience certain amounts of discomfort and pain. These
mild discomforts are normal, can last for between 5-7 days, and can be
controlled using the appropriate medication.
Anesthesia could cause a little bit
of nausea followed by vomiting in some patients. The effects wear away within
24 hours and are countered by with lots of fluids, anti-emitics and rest.
After liposuction, the maximum
swelling occurs at about 3-5 days. Most of it will be gone within 2-3 weeks.
However, some firmness can last 6-8 weeks. Patients see the final result at 3-4
Most bruising resolves in 10-14
days. Some light skin discoloration can last several weeks.
or Burning Sensation
Many patients experience numbness
over treated areas. A small number report superficial burning pain. This passes
over time and everything returns to normal. You may notice some electric
tingling sensations which is not unusual and will subside. Most sensory changes
go away by 6-8 weeks, if not sooner.
You must not spend all your time in
bed. Do normal things around the house, even take little stroll outdoors, grab
some fresh air. It’s good for you and takes your mind off the procedure. Remaining
active will greatly minimize the risk of deep clots in your leg veins and will
help in decreasing swelling.
For the first 3 days keep your walks
leisurely. 4 to 5 days later, most people return to work and gradually increase
their activities. This varies, though, and depends on the number of sites
treated and individual discomfort tolerance.
If you’ve had many areas treated,
you may require 7-10 days before going back to work. Usually al athletic
activities have to be put on hold for 3 weeks.
and showering
Showering and bathing can begin on
the second day after surgery. Have a family member or friend present the first
time you take off the compression garment, just in case you feel lightheaded.
The small white tapes (called steri-strips) over your incisions should be left
on, unless they’ve come off on their own. Don’t be alarmed if they do, as you
can cover the incisions with Band-Aid once you have dried off. Wet and soap
yourself everywhere, including the tapes and your incisions. Wash the soap off
gently and pat yourself dry using a soft towel. Do not rub. Once dry, wear your
support garment on, immediately.
If there is a lot of drainage from
the incisions, cover them with gauze before putting your garment back on. This
daily routine will help keep the incisions clean, and will promote wound
Do not submerge yourself in a bath
tub or swimming pool for 2 weeks.
This garment helps prevent
accumulation of fluids from the areas that have been liposuction-ed. It
decreases swelling and conforms the skin to its new position, maximizing the
cosmetic outcome. This garment aids healing while allowing you to see the final
results of your liposuction much sooner. Failure to comply with garment
instructions will increase the risk of seroma formation and you may not be able
to achieve the best results.
Periodically, your liposuction team
will inspect the treated areas.
Non-absorbable sutures are removed
at 7-10 days. After the sutures are removed, the incisions will heal without
any dressing. You can then begin applying a scar cream. Scars will initially be
red and a little raised, but over 3-6 months they usually get lighter in colour
and flatten out.
after Liposuction and lifestyle
In order to maintain those lovely
contour changes that have occurred following liposuction, it is important that
you change your lifestyle to maintain the body that has emerged. You must
become involved in a regular exercise program, starting three weeks after surgery, and eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Walking on a treadmill for 30
minutes at least 3 times per week is a good way to start.
Consult a nutritionist if you need
guidance in proper caloric monitoring.
The importance of a healthy
lifestyle cannot be emphasized enough. If you neglect exercising and eating
right, your liposuction results may not be optimal.
Another important follow up to
liposuction are the pre and post op visits, and following instructions.
Any unusual developments need to be
reported immediately to your surgeon.